Es increible!!! Despues de 2 meses sin Internet, y de 1 semana sin telefono, ha vuelto TODO!! Tenemos linea con Jazztel y 20 megas para surfear!!
Aun no los he probado, que estoy en la uni, pero me han comentado que el nuevo Itunes (30ypico megas) se ha bajado en 20 segundos... Ahi lo dejo... Parece que tanto sufrimiento sirve para algo... :D
Ya os contare!
Paz y amor!

1 Comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hello hello! Im in a hotel in Anaheim (near LA), using their wireless, and for some reason myspace, hotmail, and messenger dont work! So, this is my bright idea of how to contact you... We changed our plans, instead of driving a million miles over to Arizona, we decided to stay in CA and go instead to.... DISNEYLAND!!!!! :D:D So, we are going tomorrow. And Im super duper excited, I havent been there for 10 years and I wanna see if it's still magical for me! I remember when I was little, I thought a princess really lived in the huge castle...

Anyway, I dont wanna leave a huge email in your blogger, but just wanted to let you know that things are going really well and that Im going to THE MAGICAL WORLD OF DISNEYLAND!!! We're flying home on Monday at like 4 pm.
Wow now myspace is kinda working... strange.
Anyway, hope youre having a good weekend! have fun with your new, super-fast internet connection! hope to talk to you soon... :) (K)!!