Some men are tough

Men are tough by nature.
The problem is to prove that they are, cause laziness is a powerful enemy. But, if you decide to face laziness, big things could happen!
A very good example is what happened last weekend. I decided to go biking to the mountains with some friends. Just my bike, some friends, the mountains and me.
That might sound a little bit tough. Well... sit down and relax, cause that's nothing...
But wait a minute! Didn't he have a serious accident like two weeks ago? Yes, I did. And? As I said, men are tough! :D
Let's go back to the story... I woke up at 7:30AM on Saturday (ouch!). I was meeting Trucha and Chus at 9AM at Teleco, but I wanted to wake up early to have a big breakfast and to set up the bike rack, cause it was new and I would probably have problems setting it up...
So! It was 8:45 when I was all ready, showered and dressed for the ocassion. I had 2 liters of water, tools in case of emergency and a lot of clothes in case of rain/wind/snow. It took me like 30 minutes to set the bike rack on my car, so I arrived late to the meeting point...
Trucha and Chus were already there. They didn't know each other, but there weren't many people around with a bike, so they did the math and started talking... Sorry guys!
Anyway! We set everything up and we face towards the mountains. We saw on the Internet that we would have a 40% chance of rain during the morning. It was cloudy but nice; looked like a perfect day to go biking... At least that what it looked like, cause while we were getting close to the mountains, everything started to get more and more dark... As Trucha said, Joder! Estamos yendo a Mordor! (Fuck! We are going to Mordor!). Indeed we were! It even started to rain a little bit... We were the three hobbits going to Mordor!
Once we arrived, we got ready in 10 minutes. Bikes, clothes, food and drinks. It was cold (46ºF), so we got on our bikes and started climbing up. At the beginning it was easy but really steep, which was good cause it was when we were colder...
It started to rain hard. Really hard. We even thought of going back, but we were in the middle of the fight with laziness. We couldn't just give up, not after all what we had done to be there, after all the sacrifices. The path wasn't helping either, cause we got the wrong one. Instead of having a smooth way up, we chose the path that we were supposed to take on the way down: full of huge unstable rocks, very steep and with a river crossing in the middle...
We had to walk with the bikes on our back 40% of the time, but we kept going up.
Once we got back on the right path, everything started to get better. We were still going up, but it was less steep and the rain was starting to stop.

But good never lasts, so when we thought everything was going to be fine until the top, something happened... Mierda blanca!

At the beginning it was just in some isolated places, but as we kept going up, it started to appear in more and more places... until it was everywhere! We reached a point were we had to go walking cause there was too much snow to go on the bike.

By then, there were 36ºF. Our feet were freezing cold and wet and we were going really slow. What did we do?
We kept going, of course! Our pride was at stake!
During the last half mile, we were able to get on our bikes because there were two wheel-tracks that we used to go up. Good thing, cause it was the steepest part of all...

We finally reached the top, after 1hour and 45 minutes. We rested for 5 minutes, and we started the descent. The first part walking, cause it was too steep and full of snow that didn't let u see the rocks. After we were able to see where we were going through, we got on our bikes and raced downhill. It only took us 10 minutes to go back to the car!! I had a top speed of 70km/h (43 m/h).
That was all! We did it. We kicked laziness big ass. We got in the car and went back home. We had to stop a couple of times cause we had some problems with the bike rack, but... nothing serious...

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Serious accident...

Life is incomprehensible.
I decided to start exercising after I came back from California. I started using my bike every day near my house, going for short rides.

At the beginning I just wanted to get the rhythm, so I only ride up and down a circuit near my house. It wasn't something difficult at all, it was just riding on the road, so I didn't wear the helmet.
It was fine for some time. I was getting in shape and I was going regularly, what is even more difficult. At this point, every normal person would get a divine reward, a price for their dedication an effort. Something like losing some weight or build some muscle would sound at least fair.
Well... not even close!! I went last Friday to my daily ride, alone with my bike & my music. It was a strange day, sunny but very windy. I wasn't wearing a helmet, but I had gloves, glasses and a hat.
I completed a 6 laps circuit and went back home. I usually don't go directly back home because I don't like to have 180 heartbeats/minute one second and the next one be walking home, so I always ride near home at a slow pace to recover my heart frequency.
That's what I was doing, riding slowly to recover from the intense exercise I just did, when suddenly... a strong gust of wind made my front wheel to turn 90º, making me loose the balance and fall to the ground. My feet were trapped on the pedals (they're automatic, magnetic) so I guess I landed with my face on the ground. I think that I used my hands to soften the fall, but it seems that I didn't do a very good job...
Result? Pain & bleeding. I stood for a minute on the ground, shaking but conscious. I went home by my own and then went to the hospital with my mum. 32 stitches, with local anesthesia.

It was a new experience, something to remind me not to be lazy and use ALWAYS the helmet. However, if someone tried to scared me it was futile, cause as soon as I recover (hopefully this week) I'll be back with my bike (and my helmet), with the help of a new gym...

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Acabo de descubrir Finetune. Es una radio virtual que te permite hacer playlists con tus artistas favoritos y escuchar tu música favorita online sin coste alguno.
También puedes subir las playlists a blogs/mypsace.
Esta la he hecho en unos segundos para ver como iba...

Tiene muy buena pinta!

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Ya queda menos para el N95!!

Aquí tenéis una review que han hecho los chicos de allaboutsymbian. Tiene una pinta impresionante!! A ver si llega Marzo ya de una vez...

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Snow Patrol - Chasing cars

We'll do it all
On our own

We don't need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes
They're all I can see

I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things
Will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

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5 minutes blackout

We just did it in Spain! It was weird, walking around the house with no lights, but it was for a good reason, so...
Here's a graph that shows the energy consumption in Spain live. As you can see near 20:00 of today, the consumption went down significantly! Let's see how it went/will go in other countries!

P.D: Tiene gracia, la web de la REE (Red eléctrica española) estuvo caída hasta una media hora después de terminar el apagón... coincidencia o afluencia masiva de curiosos? :D

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